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Public Hearing for Variance on Maisog property

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(First Published in the Ellsworth County Independent/
Reporter, June 18, 2020)


Dear Property Owner:

The City of Ellsworth Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a Public Hearing on July 8, 2020 at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 121 W. 1st Street, Ellsworth, Kansas to consider granting a variance in a Residential – 1 (R-1) District; Requirements to build a structure less than the 10 foot minimum for side yard and backyard setback requirements.
A site location map and proposed lot layout is included with this notice.
Applicant: Jason & Kourtney Maisog
The property variance being considered is described as follows:
Legal Description: 310 E. Tenth Street
1. Block 2, Lot 1 of the Kunkle Addition to the City of Ellsworth, Kansas

As a property owner within 200’ of the above referenced property, you are being notified of the public hearings and invited to attend to express your opinion. Responses and letters, either in support or opposition to this request, must be received at the Office of the City Clerk at 121 W. 1st Street or mailed to P.O. Box 163, Ellsworth, Kansas 67439 prior to the scheduled public hearing or call (785) 472-5566.

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