The COVID-19 crisis has altered many activities in Kansas. One of those is how candidates running for political office get their message out to the public.
Read moreWith uncontrollable trade deals, unpredictable market prices, and an ever changing weather pattern over the last few years, farmers have been left in the dark on what to expect. This not knowing what to expect each year leaves tension on the human brain. These effects on the brain can lead many farmers to depression, overuse of alcohol, and oftentimes leaves them to isolate themselves. Many may say more than just farmers are at risk.
Read moreThe other day, I was greeted on Facebook by a photograph of my daughter, Allie, with green highlights in her long golden brown hair.
Read moreWichita, Kansas, was established in the broad Arkansas River valley at the confluence of that river with the Little Arkansas River.
Read moreThe Ellsworth County Cancer Fund Triathlon scheduled for Friday, June 12, 2020 has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read moreThe Ellsworth County Independent-Reporter named its first Hometown Hero in this week’s edition. John Hoch’s daughter wrote a touching tribute to her father, a driver for the U.S. Postal Service.
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