Twin Springs, Kan., began with an application for a United States Post Office by Dexter Risor.
Read moreBeing a newspaper editor makes you a fierce defender of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, especially the Freedom of Speech part. It’s in the job description.
Read moreSeveral years ago, the last sound I heard as I left the office for a much-needed vacation was the voice of I-R business manager Juanita Kepka in a phone debate with AT&T over the company’s lack of service.
Read moreEarly in 1918 the Spanish Flu spread across Europe with a vengeance.
Read moreThe original intention of the Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division (UPED), (a Wyandotte, Kan., company), was to win the construction race with Omaha’s Union Pacific Railroad Company.
Read moreFew things are as disruptive, debilitating, yet diminutive as having something in your eye. We’ve all experienced the pain that it causes.
Read moreGraveside services for Phyllis Ann Urbanek Ogburn, 86, will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday Aug. 12, at the Clinton Cemetery, 500 N 1200 Rd., Lawrence, Kan. 66047.