If anything shouldn’t be political, it’s the U.S. Postal Service.
Read moreEditor’s Note — Prior to the August primary, several campaign items landed in voter mailboxes. They were aimed at moderate Republicans and in most cases were misleading at best. Rep. Steven Johnson, who has been a leader in the effort to restore civility to public debate, represents Ellsworth and other counties in the 108th Kansas House District. He is unopposed in the general election. Here is his response with information that will undoubtedly be as important during the general election. The second part of Rep. Johnson’s response will appear in the Sept. 17 edition of the I-R.
Read moreEllsworth, Kan., was established on the edge of the Kansas frontier in the spring of 1867.
Read moreLinda Salem and other officials of Great Plains Manufacturing didn’t ride into a recent news conference in Salina on white chargers. But they could have, given the nature of their announcement.
Read moreOur forefathers were far more familiar with the night sky than most of us in modern times.
Read moreContrary to tweets, the Pledge of Allegiance broadcast on each of the four nights of the Democratic Convention contained “under God” each night. What most listeners may not know is the origin of that pledge and when that phrase was added.
Read more“Forced isolation” is not a pretty phrase, but for Kansas senior citizens, that has been our new reality since COVID-19 struck.
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