In the spring of 1871 the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad was building a railroad across the state of Kansas to rival the Kansas Pacific.
Read moreReality doesn’t follow promise
President Joe Biden’s campaign slogan, when running for President in 2020, was “Build Back Better”.
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Read moreThe Fort Scott Daily Monitor published some interesting statistics related to the cattle business in their Nov. 21, 1869, edition. The information illustrates why the demand for beef in the eastern United States drew so many Texas cattl up the long trail to the cattle depots along Kansas railroads.
Read moreDo looks really matter? This topic is better suited to philosophers, but a series of observations from my trip to the Baltics earlier this year with Kansas Farm Bureau’s Casten Fellows Program has had me questioning my belief that if something works, it does not matter if it looks good. I have pondered the value of aesthetics in the spaces where we spend our time and the possessions with which we fill them.
Read moreEveryone agrees. We need to recruit more young people to our communities. They are the future entrepreneurs, volunteers, homeowners, school enrollments, and the desperately needed succession plans we need for our baby boomers who own 60 percent of the businesses in Kansas. We NEED them, but how do we attract them and keep them?
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