It’s easy to forget today that agriculture is the foundation of civilization. It’s the process that ended our ceaseless following of food and allowed us to settle into cities. What followed, over the past several millennia is the world we inhabit today. In short, farming and ranching are the essential drivers of the manufacturing — or service-based economy we all enjoy.
Read moreOwen Bassett’s everpresent cheerful nature and genial spirit could win over even the most adamant antagonist. He was an early resident in the novel Kansas Territory experiment known as popular sovereignty.
Read moreThank you, Mr. Marsh for stating facts that too few people care to check. This isn’t something new. This has gone on for a very long time. I would like to add a few more facts before we head to the poles Aug. 2.
Read moreI want to compliment Commander Laubengayer for his defense of the excise tax on guns and ammo which supports state wildlife agencies, wildlife restoration projects and public hunting. I join him in support of that tax.
Read moreHello Ellsworth County!
Read moreWhen sickness or pain pays a visit, we often reach for a familiar commercial remedy in the medicine cabinet. If we forgot to restock. Never mind. A quick trip to the corner convenience store or local pharmacist will usually fix what ails us. Medical centers treat every disease with the latest medical methods. Did you break it? Perhaps a more critical injury has interrupted the daily routine. Nevertheless, modern convenience offers peace of mind. Hospitals are generally available and emergency rooms are open 24 hours a day.
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