As Ellsworth High School celebrates its Fall Homecoming Sept. 20, alumni are being welcomed home with a Boldly Bearcat Alumni Bash. At 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, the alumni will
Read moreIt’s amazing how often God chose men and women in their senior adult years to take part in huge moments for His kingdom. Think about Noah who finished building the
Read moreTraffic (Note: Traffic cases resolved between July 31 to Aug. 7, 2019. Fines include a $108 docket fee.) JUDGMENT ON PLEA OF GUILTY – Nicole Anderson, speeding, $258; unsafe turning
Read more“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” ( John 1:14 MSG) The gospel writer John paints a rather detailed picture of who Jesus was. Theologically, John
Read moreMembers of the Ellsworth City Council voted to publish the 2020 budget, a copy of which appears on Page A7 of this week’s Ellsworth County Independent-Reporter. Officials took advantage of
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