The first we know of him, he was called Abram, and the Lord told him, “Go from your country, and your kindred, and your father’s house to the land I will show you ...” Abram went as the Lord had told him. There was no question, no hesitation, Abram went. He obeyed, and with faith, trusted the Lord, and began his journey to the land God told him to seek. To remove any doubts, the Lord also said, “... You will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you ... and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” And so, this wandering Aramaic started a new family, a new people, who held God as their maker and the center of their lives.
Read moreRandy Fox, Wilson School principal, is all smiles as he gets his head shaved Feb. 20, to fulfill a student challenge at the school. During this past holiday season, Fox challenged his students to collect 300 non-perishable food items for the school. If they met that goal, Fox agreed to have his head shaved. Fox said the food was distributed to local families.
Read moreIn March, mailboxes across the country will bring an opportunity that only comes around once in a decade – the chance to be counted during the U.S. Census.
Read moreThe following is the rest of the USD 112 story from Page B3 of the Feb. 27 I-R:
Read moreEvery piece of Dryden pottery Pauline Zvolanek removes from the display case at Ellsworth’s Hodgden House Museum to dust and catalog, she wonders — Did I have a hand in making this?
Read moreAt Monday’s meeting of the Ellsworth City Council, approval was given to a $48,083.35 bid from City Plumbing to complete the Evans Street sewer extension and to use TIF (Tax Increment Financing) funding to finance the project.
Read moreWILSON — The City of Wilson is looking for a few good bus drivers. At the Feb. 18 meeting of the Wilson City Council, city clerk Susan Kriley said she has nine drivers signed up to drive the city bus, but only four or five can drive during the week. She and Mayor Mike Peschka encouraged anyone interested in driving the city bus to call city hall.
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